Entdecke neue Möglichkeiten


Aloha und E KOMO MAI auf meiner Business Seite

• bist du in einem Job der dir einfach keinen Spass mehr macht?

• moechtest du mehr aus deinem Leben machen?

• suchst du nach einem guten Plan fuer eine gute Rente?

• moechtest du endlich mehr Zeit mit deiner Familie verbringen oder auch mehr Zeit fuer dich selbst haben?

• moechtest du in der First Class die Welt erobern?

• und das alles ohne Investition und Risiko?

Dann melde dich bei mir und klick den “Jetzt mehr erfahren” Button an: 

Aloha aus Hawai´i

Manu in
Punta Cana


Discover the new you


Aloha and E KOMO MAI (Welcome) to my Vitalkur page

Do you feel uncomfortable in your body and miss your energy?

I felt the same way!

So in March 2019, I did my first metabolic activation. Including a colon cleanse with deacidification and detoxification of the body.

After just 45 days, my first 11 kilos were lost and within the next few weeks, another 6 kilos. A total of 20cm less abdominal girth.

Even now, after 2 years, I am maintaining my weight. Have my full energy back and am now doing sports again.

Since I would like to share my path to success with everyone who feels the same way as I do, I have founded a Vitalkur group,

We all have the same goals here:

– to feel good in our bodies again

– to have a great appearance

– to be able to wear the old favorite clothes again

– and to create our everyday life full of energy again

No matter if you are single, in a partnership, with family, stressful job, shift-work, etc.. … it is possible to be part of it!

Who is interested, can start with me and my team on the journey to a “new me” …

Aloha from Hawai’i

- 17 kg


This is our team

Christiane Gensel -
Health expert and immune coach

Nicole Stahl - Physiotherapist and immune coach

Sandra Walter - Fitness trainer and immune coach

Our Vitalkur group has now been around since June 2019, and many have successfully joined us:

- 30 kg

Manuela | Michael
- 27 kg | - 10 kg

- 32 kg

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